Cows can change over the vitality such that we as people cannot do. Dairy cattle likewise provide us with numerous other dependent resources – which include portions of the cow
that are utilized for health, wellbeing, food, and industry.
Gir Cow is one such kind of an exotic breed of zebu dairy cattle predominantly from South
Asia. The name Gir is derived from the Gir Forest of Gujarat which forms the native environment of the breed. It has been gaining the likes of the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, and Brazil lately because of its special qualities of showing qualitative and quantitative traits in organic farming.
Special attributes of Gir Cow
Out of the total breeds present in the Saurashtra region, the Gir accounts for 2.5 million which is up to 37 percentage of the entire cattle population of the region. It’s remarkably rounded and domed forehead with the well-developed rounded udder measurements makes its posture prominent and distinctive in appearance. The females weigh at an approximate weight of 385 kg with a height of 130 cm and the average of the males at 545 kg at a height of 135 cm, this indicates that males are heavier than the females at all ages from birth to adolescence.
Abundant Milk Yielding Characteristics
The research of milk stream samples gives data about the cow’s reactions to milking in various environments. The Average lactation yield of milk of the Gir cow is reported around 2100 Litres per lactation. The normal milk yield for the Gir is 1590 kg for every lactation, with a record generation of 3182 kg at 4.5% fat in India. Because of substantial milk production and an immense protein, Vitamin D content its nutritional milk value battles with ailments like obesity, joint pain, and asthma. The cost of the milk is considerably higher because of its classification of 2 types- Casein Protein and Whey Protein.
An excellent Dairy enterprise
Dairy farming is a profitable business model for small and marginal farmers in the country. The demand for the A2 Gir cow milk is increasing rapidly due to the exceptional quality of casein protein substance. The hump of this breed bears special veins known as Surya Ketu Nadi”. This vein can assimilate energy from sun rays. This energy is then transmitted to the by-products of dairy animals such as- Milk, Urine, and Cow Dung. A2 Gir Cow ghee is profoundly beneficial to human health and that is the reason it must be the most nutritious decision.
Advantages of Gir Cow:
– Gir cows are one of the largest dairy breeds in India, therefore they have great market
– Relatively less expensive and lower maintenance needed for farming Gir cattle.
– Financial assistance available for young women entrepreneurs, farmers, self-help groups, etc. under the Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS) to nurture their own
-The Gir cow experiences a Low mortality rate. Hence, the average lifespan of the Gir cow
is 12 to 15 years.
-The Gir breed can give birth to up to 10 calves during its entire lifecycle. It has amongst
the higher fertility rates.
-This cattle breed denotes greater sustainability to diseases.
-This cow is resilient to machine-driven milking procedures.
-Through further investigation and observation, it is seen that The Gir Cow milk provides
additional endurance to the body and rejuvenates you for the rest of the day. The cow’s milk
involves a relatively less percentage.
-The Gir cattle usually consume Jowar, green grass, dry fodder, Bajra straw, etc. and are
usually insusceptible to fatal infections