Common Sources of Mosquitoes
So far we have seen the causes and sources Rid of Mosquitoes. We need to take into consideration the things that help breed mosquitoes and what attracts them. As we know mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, it is important to clear all still water at home and surrounding areas. Sinks and basins in the kitchen area should be kept clean and tidy. Dust- bins, garbage bins should be kept closed.
Mosquitoes are attracted to some fragrances, so it is advisable to keep the perfume bottles lids closed. A study conducted by an American journal shows that mosquitoes are attracted to beer drinkers as well.
While fumigating an area, safety precautions need to be taken. Organic insecticideOrganic insecticideOrganic insecticideOrganic insecticide can be used in foggers, but the end result depends on their effectiveness. Therefore in certain cases where mosquito nuisance is extreme, an organic insecticide may not prove useful.
Neat and clean surroundings encourage a healthy and safe environment. Ā They help drive away from the diseases and keep illnesses at bay. Mosquitoes cause many life-threatening diseases like Malaria, Dengue, Chicken guinea. Therefore utmost care needs to be taken to avoid these diseases by getting rid of the mosquitoes.
Following are some the ways to repel mosquitoes from your home or surroundings
- Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so get rid of still water at home and vicinity.
- In areas having limited air movement, citronella candles can be used.
- Dragonflies feed on mosquitoes, therefore help reduce mosquitoes.
- Camphor tablets can be placed around the house.
- Neem oil is the best mosquito repellent.
- Large outdoor areas can be fumigated using mosquito fogger.
- Plants like basil, which is a mosquito-repelling plant, can be grown in the yard.
Mosquito Repelling Products
1. Candles made from Citronella
Citronella is a commonly found natural compound that can be used to repel mosquitoes. The oil extracted from Citronella grass is also used to make candles. The scent emitted by these candles attracts insects. This method is most effectual in closed spaces.
2.Ā Neem oil
Neem oil is the oil extracted from Neem leaves. It is one of the other natural products, which can be used as a mosquito or any other pest repellent. Neem leaves when burnt also help in controlling the mosquitoes. According to a study, 2% of neem oil when mixed with coconut oil, provides 96-100% protection against certain species of mosquitoes.
3.Ā Camphor tablets
Camphor emits a strong smell which repels mosquitoes. Camphor is available in the form of oil or tablets. Ā Camphor tablets can be placed directly all over the house or dissolved in water and placed in areas with a large number of mosquitoes. This method is more effective in closed spaces.
4.Ā Mosquito Fogger
To curb mosquitoes in large space, insect fogger is the most effectual method. Ā Generally, spraying can or fogging machines are the two forms in which these devices are available. The use of these devices can be decided on how large an area needs to be tackled.
Ways to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Naturally
1Ā Mosquito repelling plants
Plantation of mosquito-repelling plants serves a dual purpose. Firstly they help curb the mosquitoes at home and in the surroundings. Secondly, they help the place to look green and beautiful. There are many indoor and outdoor mosquito repelling plants. Eg. Marigold, citronella-grass, lavender, basil, lemon balm, and pennyroyal.
2Ā Natural predators
Dragonfly larvae feed on mosquitoes. Stagnant water bodies like pond, breed mosquitoes and can become a source of mosquitoes. Therefore if you have a pond in your yard, species like frogs and turtles can be kept, which act as natural predators. These natural predators will also help the backyard look attractive. Some of the examples of natural predators are spiders, bats, Ā birds like purple martin, fishes like Gambusia affinis spiders, and lizards.
3.Ā Eliminate stagnant water
Stagnant water is one of the major sources or mosquitoes. Thoroughly check your home and surrounding areas for still water bodies. There are many indoor objects which hold water and may become a breeding ground for mosquitoes larvae. For e.g flower vases, potted plants, dust bins, refrigerator defrost trays, discarded unused tires.
Also, See Guide To Organic Farming Methods