A garden should be much more than a space to relax. It should be a place to grow your own. Maximizing the potential of your garden is an excellent way to cut costs. But, many people think that having a vegetable patch or plot means having to partake in back-breaking work. This is not the case. In fact, there are some easy to use tips that you can use to make your vegetable garden produce lots of crops with minimal effort.
Focus on Soil
Soil is important for making sure that your garden can produce a broad range of vegetables. Organic, rich soil is excellent for growing crops. By having a raised bed, you can ensure that you are maximizing your soils chances of producing amazing food. Plant your crops in small rows and use fertile soil to ensure that they can grow. Don’t leave too much of a gap between your plants. This will encourage weed growth that can destroy your veggies.
Shape Your Plant Bed
Having around plant bed is important for those that want to maximize their crop yield. Many people have square beds. But, as any landscape contractor will tell you, you can work wonders by using rounded beds. Lettuce and greens like to be on the edge of a bed. The shape of these crops makes them perfect for rounded beds.
Arranging your plants is important. It’s vital that you space adequately for growth. But, you need to make sure that you are staggering how you space your plants. Many people opt for patterns. But, the only pattern to plant it is a triangular shape. This means that you will get 15% more plants in the patch. But, leave eight inches between each plant so that they can grow and thrive. Over-planting can cause diseases in plants.
Go Vertical!
Make sure that you are growing plants as vertically as possible. Tomatoes, melons and pole beans are the perfect vines to have in your garden. This allows you to maximize space and ensure that you have plenty of room for root veggies. Invest in trellises to ensure that your crops have the chance of growing straight and tall. Aside from the space benefits, vertical plants are less likely to contract fungal diseases. As such, you can yield a lot more from your crop!
Get Busy and Start Mixing
You don’t have to stick to one vegetable or fruit. There are ways that fruits and vegetables will complement each other. Some crops are more compatible than others. Use tomatoes, basil, and onions as the perfect combination. Due to the different growing needs of these crops, you can ensure that you are stopping weeds in their tracks.
Succession Planting
Growing seasons mean that you get different crops at different times of the year. But, planting in succession maximizes your chances of getting a full harvest. Many landscape gardeners will state that you need to plant in successions. This ensures that you are using nutrient-rich soil in one single area. So, when your strawberry plants are ready to die, it’s time to dig out the garlic buds. This ensures that you never miss a harvest.