With all the man-made chemical contaminants infesting foods, some people are becoming organic gardeners attempting to avoid dangerous chemicals in and around their plants. Fruit, vegetables, and herbs can all be raised naturally without these compounds. A basic to beginning any productive garden is the soil itself. Adding mulch made from organic non-meat scraps, leaves, and manure from animals not fed unnatural compounds can be good for any garden. Water drainage and retention should be balanced. Cover crops, such as clover and legumes, add nitrogen which is important to plant growth and can be planted in offseason. Till these into the soil before new crops are planted. If one sees earthworms in the soil there’s a great chance that the ground is perfect for crops. Worms aerate as well as fertilize the soil and are one of the best friends of any gardener.
Pests can be controlled by companion plantings of organically grown marigolds and zinnias which were staples of old-time gardens. They attract beneficial insects which feed on unwanted insects. Ladybug beetles and praying mantis are good insects to ward off infestations and can be purchased through mail order. Using an organic mulch around plants can also protect by keeping soil lower on weeds. Less competition from weeds will allow organic gardens to grow healthier plants. For larger organic garden pests such as groundhogs or deer, fencing partially submerged in the soil will deter pests both above and below ground allowing one to have more consumable produce.