What You Need to Know About Tree Removal Services

Source: pixabay.com

Sprucing up your yard often comes with the task of removing various things off of it, such as trees. But while trees can add character to your property, sometimes they can destroy the look of it. Hence, many homeowners often have trees removed off their curb in order to enhance the appeal of their homes.

When it comes to removing dead, infected, unruly, and generally troublesome trees, it’s easy to decide on removing them yourself. DIY-ing a tree removal might seem to be a good option and more economical, but removing a tree by yourself, with zero experience, is not a good idea, which is why it’s always best to leave it to the professionals to get the job done.

But what if you have no idea how to analyze a good service? What if the ones you hired aren’t up to the task? Here are details you need to know when hiring tree removal services.

Tree Removal Services vary from tree situations

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Not all tree removal services specialize in all types of tree removals. Finding the correct service to remove a stump, dead, unsightly, aesthetically unpleasing trees takes exemplary service to fulfill. When choosing the appropriate one for you, ask the company what services they offer, cater to special services, or have unique services that they can only offer.

Asking a tree removal company about their capabilities wouldn’t be much of a problem.

Both you and the company can treat this as a way to get to know your options better and see to it that you’re getting the suitable options for the service.

Find the right tree removal service through references

Like any other manual labor service, references from friends and experts greatly matter when finding the exemplary service or company. Most companies will be happy to provide a list of references from previous services. Reviews from their websites or online pages can be a good source of information when finding unbiased feedback about the service.

Ask for employee credentials and if they’re insured

Source: pixabay.com

A certified and licensed tree removal company will always have its credentials ready for review. Not just for security reasons but also for professional integrity. Tree removal services are experts in their field, and employees who are not trained or licensed are not qualified. Hiring them may even do more harm to your property.

If you’re not so familiar with the required credentials or licenses that tree services should have, here is a list:

• International Society of Arboriculture Certified (ISA)
• Climber Safety Certified
• Powerline Safety Certified
• Tree Care Industry Association Accredited (TCIA)
• Certified Tree Care Safety Professional (license)

Other than employee credentials, asking for employee and company insurance and proof of employee training should be next on your list. Poorly trained employees and companies who don’t provide insurance to their employees and their services can potentially do more harm than fixing your yard with their service and doesn’t secure a safe service either.

Equipment and safety are essential

This is one of the topmost criteria to look for when hiring tree removal services. Companies with the proper credentials have the right equipment and materials for the job.

The equipment they use for their service can guarantee the safety and security of not only their employees but also on your property. Besides safety, this ensures that the company you hired is also professionals since they know the suitable materials to get the job done.

Tree removal services follow a particular process and cleanup

Source: pixabay.com

Tree removal companies have their ways of removing trees. May it be a stump or a full-grown tree, the process might be the same or might differ from the needs of the property and tree. A typical removal process includes:

• Cutting and removing branches.
• Cut the trunk into several pieces.
• Reducing the tree into a stump.

But if you want several trees down and no stumps, the process might be different and requires a special request to the company. Mind that the time and process will also affect the price.

Moreover, you should also consider the cleanup of a tree removal service’s process. While some will leave it behind for you to clean after, others will take care of it. Hence, if you plan on using the cut trees for your gardening or as firewood, you should tell them beforehand.

This service can be included in your contract, although you should be aware that it can rack up extra fees. You must know where your cleanup expectations lie with the help of a contract, especially since it’s no easy task. If you’ve calculated that you can’t do it on your own, look for a company that offers you such service.

Price quotes don’t have to cost a lot

Removing trees costs a lot. Whether it may be short, big, or dead, hiring a tree removal service will always have a price that people should mind, which is why clients should also prioritize asking for price quotes to compare the costs of services and offers.

Many services offer free quotes, so you can easily see the breakdown of their services. Try visiting treetriage.com for a free price quote and free consultation on all their services.

They provide expert service available anytime and anywhere you need, with no hidden costs and affordable services.


Finding the right tree removal service can be overwhelming to all, but it doesn’t mean finding the right service is challenging. Many companies cater to all clients, trees, and even on a minimal budget. It all boils down to knowledge and information such as from above.

You don’t need a long checklist that needs all boxes ticked, with just the correct details such as the company’s credentials, references, personalized processes, and equipment, which is enough for any client to study and ponder upon.

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