Known for its huge, brilliantly-colored flowers, a Hibiscus plant is a great addition to your garden or home. These plants also have medicinal properties, and their leaves or flowers can be crushed and used to make comforting teas or healing extracts.
Not only do hibiscus plants last several years, but they also require minimal maintenance. If you want to fill your garden with these gorgeous plants then we’ve got some news for you – there are more than 200 hibiscus varieties in the world, all of which differ in shape, size, and color.
Listed below are some popular hibiscus varietiespopular hibiscus varietiespopular hibiscus varietiespopular hibiscus varieties that you can consider growing.
Types of Hibiscus
Though there are several varieties of hibiscus in the world, they share some common features. The flowers on the plant last for about a day, but the plant itself blooms for quite a long time. Their beautiful, vibrant flowers attract pollinators like bees. Let’s explore the varieties of hibiscus and some popular species under each category.
Tropical Hibiscus
This variety of hibiscus is unable to withstand colder temperatures that fall below the levels of a tropical climate. The flowers of this variety are vibrant, including colors like reddish-orange, pink, yellow, and white.
To complement the bright blooms, these plants have deep green, glossy foliage that protects the hibiscus from the intense heat associated with the tropics. If you wish to grow this hibiscus variety in colder temperatures, you can do so, but only indoors in a controlled environment like a greenhouse.
If you don’t do so, then your Tropical hibiscus plants will die as soon as the temperatures drop. A few of the most popular species under this category include:
Simple Pleasures
With nine to ten-inch wide, double-color flowers, this is a traditional variation of the tropical hibiscus plant. It’s popular for its unique flower that has a vibrant yellow border, which fades into pink, and finally converges towards a bright red center. The stigma of Simple Pleasures is a bright yellow that matches the outer rim of the petals.
Palm Springs
Another plant from the Rosa-Sinensis species, this hibiscus has extremely vibrant flowers that vary from six to eight inches in diameter. Its center is a bright orange, with an almost star-shaped gradation that fades into a deep yellow towards the petals’ outer edge.
This is an absolutely breathtaking hibiscus plant. It is a double hibiscus variation, which means that it is akin to a ruffled pettiskirt. Its six to eight-inch wide flowers have a deep orange color which is a stark contrast to the plant’s dark green foliage.
Hardy Hibiscus
These hibiscus plants can brave the cold winters and are usually pruned down before winter begins so that they can grow afresh from their existing roots. If you plan to prune them, leave them six inches above the ground, to ensure healthy growth.
The flowers of these plants are shades of red or white, but they’re less vibrant compared to the tropical varieties. The muted flowers also mean that their foliage is pale green, to match.
Blue River II
This hibiscus plant has pure white flowers that grow six to ten inches in diameter. These plants don’t have a long blooming season, but over 240 fresh flowers will bloom over the spring and summer months, for you to revel in. Another interesting factor that makes these plants popular, is that the white flowers almost make your garden glow at night!
Kopper King
With 12-inch wide pinkish-white flowers this hibiscus variation is a sight to behold! The flower has a bright copper-pink center, and as you move towards the outer edge, the pink coloration becomes nearly white. Another unique feature of the Kopper King from the hibiscus moscheutos species is its maple-like leaf.
Lord Baltimore
The Lord Baltimore hibiscus plant has bright red flowers that bloom about ten inches in diameter. Its distinctively large petals slightly overlap with each other. The flowers also have a ruffled edge and paired with its flamboyant color, make the plant worth seeing. However, the flowers stay in bloom only for a day before they begin to wilt.
Native Hibiscus
Native hibiscus plants or rose mallows are those that are indigenous to the southeastern states in America. This variety has around 35 species, and they typically grow in wetlands, which is why another name for them is marsh hibiscus.
However, they can also thrive in drier areas, if maintained well. The flowers of this hibiscus are typically shades of white or pink, whereas the heart-shaped leaves are grayish-green towards the stem, and hairy white near the tips.
Scarlet Rose Mallow
The Scarlet Rose Mallow has a set of three to seven, stunning red petals arranged in a pinwheel formation. The flowers are about six to eight inches wide and will remain in bloom only for a day before they start wilting. It can also be categorized as a hardy hibiscus variation.
Perennial Hibiscus
These are essentially shrubs that include dwarf varieties and lush, tree-like bushes. These may fall under the hardy or tropical categories. As their name suggests, these plants grow anywhere apart from the arctic regions.
They love plenty of sunlight, and most of them require plenty of water as well. The plants are popular for their gorgeous foliage, which can vary from bright green or deep black-purple, to light green with a cream-white center.
Rose of Sharon
With a natural upright vase-like silhouette and multiple branches, the Rose of Sharon has showy flowers that bloom in summer and spring. The flowers have five petals, with a paper-like texture and come in a gorgeous selection of colors, including bi-colors. The flowers have a three to five-inch diameter and often have a dark-colored center.
Annual Hibiscus
Despite what the name suggests, these plants aren’t true annuals. They’re actually tropical varieties grown in colder climates. It includes the Red Leaf Hibiscus, which is popular for its bright red foliage. These plants are typically grown in containers.
Final Words
Every species of hibiscus differs from the other. Since there are so many hibiscus varieties at your disposal, any aspiring gardener can have a whole section dedicated to these vibrant, stunning, and easy-to-maintain plants.